WW 1 -before Ashover

As mentioned on other pages in this website, much of the equipment on the Ashover Light Railway came second hand from the War Department, which sold off 2foot (60cm) gauge material at the end of the war.  Ashover bought six Baldwin steam locomotives, 66 D type wagons, 4 E type wagons, trackwork, points and sundry other items.

2014 marks the centenary of the start of WW1, making it appropriate to look back at how things were. (Most of the railway construction dates from later in the war when the position of the front lines was fairly static.

The Youtube clip included here illustrates the original uses of the Ashover stock.

Youtube video

Perhaps we should also add a “do not try this at home” warning to some of the shots that ignore current health and safety advice. For example, riding on the buffer beams of locomotives, on the top of loaded wagons, jumping off moving trains, riding with knees between the train and a platform or, worst of all, clambering all over a locomotive that is being craned. There are other examples as well!

Mind your knees!!

It is believed that this video and the troops portrayed is of U.S. origin.