Bringing back memories of the Amber Valley.
Welcome to the website of The Ashover Light Railway Society! Within these pages you will find all the information you require about the original Ashover Light Railway and the ALRS’s plans to recreate a section of this historic narrow gauge railway. Also featured is a photographic tour of part of the picturesque route of the railway, as well as all the latest news from the Society as we drive towards our ultimate goal - to recreate (at Peak Rail’s Rowsley site) the atmosphere of the Ashover Butts terminus in its heyday. Post code is DE4 2LF.
The Ashover Light Railway Society is a registered charity no. 1129958.
Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England no. 06877968.
Registered address :Crabtree Lodge, 5 Newhall Lane, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 4GG
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If you like what you see and would like to know more, why not join us and get involved with our fun and friendly Society. Further information on Membership, along with a downloadable Membership Form can be found by visiting the Membership page.
For the latest instalment of our blog click on “news” in the panel on the right of this page. Otherwise choose one of the other menu options offered. From anywhere on this site click on the header to return to this screen.
Enjoy your visit!
2025 marks the 200th anniversary of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Heritage lines across the country will be marking this anniversary with a whole series of events.
The Ashover Light Railway opened in 1925, thus we will be celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2025.
The main event will be an exhibition o n April 5th and April 6th in the Bassett Rooms, Church Street, Ashover. Further detail to follow.
2024 AGM
The 2024 AGM of the society will be held on Saturday 21st September.
2024 Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the ALRS will be held on Saturday 21st September, starting at 1.00p.m. In our Rowsley workshop.
Limited seating is available so you are advised to bring your own chair.
ALRS members can expect to receive an agenda and further details in due course by email or mail.
Richard Booth R.I.P.
It is with great regret that we announce the death of our late chairman and (very) active volunteer Richard Booth on February 24th.
Richard was known by many for his wise words and philosophical approach to life, exemplified by his resilience and acceptance of his condition over the last two months.
His contribution to the ALRS was unparalleled and he will be sadly missed by us all.
December 2023 update
Well, it’s been a while. Despite the radio silence here online, progress has been going very well over the past months, particularly in the workshops where three of our five locos have received attention. Take, for example, last Saturday:
Even with a team of only three, we successfully managed to reinstall both drive chains; the large and small air tanks; the middle dividing wall; the fan; the battery; and the throttle/reverser control on ex-NCB Hunslet ‘Linby’. The chains took up most of the morning as the loco had to be jacked up in order to independently rotate the rear axle.
All of this work is part of the heavy overhauls that both the Ruston (260712) and Hunslet (8917) have been receiving over the past year, bringing them up to passenger-carrying standards in preparation for next year.
Spondon has also had a bit of a ‘birthday’, in the form of a new Air Compressor. This will be followed by the rest of the air brake fittings once the two Diesels are back in action.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s been going on. For a more in-depth report, keep an eye out for the Winter Edition of our WTRE magazine, which you can access by signing up as a member of the ALRS. Better still, join us as a volunteer to come and see the progress for yourself: we’d greatly appreciate the help.