June 2020 updates
Christmas Card 2020
Christmas may seem a long way away at this time of year, but the Ashover Light Railway’s 2020 Christmas card is now available to purchase.
The card is based on a watercolour painting of a winter scene by the talented railway artist Eric Leslie. It depicts a Baldwin engine approaching Woolley Station on its way to Clay Cross. The “Whistle Board” in the foreground warns drivers of the level crossing over Dark Lane adjacent to the stone house, Brookside Villa, whose occupants shared with the train crew the job of handling the crossing gates.
To purchase the card go to the merchandise section of this website where you will find our merchandise catalogue and order form , or use our sales section of eBay (alrs_sales)
Tote Results
The quarterly tote has been drawn, and the results are shown below
1. KV of Mansfield wins £40.50
2. TG of Alfreton wins £24.30
3. JW of New Zealand wins £16.20
Forms for joining the tote can be found in the membership section of this website.
Progress at Rowsley
The recent easing of lockdown restrictions has allowed a limited amount of progress to be made at Rowsley with tracklaying into the relocated containers, as well as removal of several weeks growth of nettles and similar weeds.